It felt like fall today.
I'm telling myself that it was not just because I know so many friends whose kids are ready to head back to school tomorrow. Or that it was only because it wasn't 95 degrees with 95 percent humidity, as the cynic I married pointed out at dinner.
The sun was warm, but as soon as the wind picked up, it had a hint of a chill to it.
I'd say Mother Nature owes us a nice pleasant (read - storm-free) fall with lots of sunny days like today. Okay, well maybe a little rain for my farmer friends. But only at night.
Fall makes me happy and sad all at once. I love the cooler weather, the leaves, football season, and all that goes along with it, even sending my baby boy off to preschool in a few weeks.
But as soon as I start to see leaves change colors, I feel tears well up too. My mom loved autumn. She loved leaf peeping, and we would spend so many Saturdays just driving around, looking at the scenery. Fall was for trips to the zoo, and Meadowcroft Village, a old fashioned village in the hills of western PA. Fall was for curling up with a "buddy pal" (blanket) in our basement and watching old movies. Popcorn required.
She loved school too. Every year she was as excited as I was to start a new school year. We would make a production of buying and organizing school supplies and wrapping my textbooks when I brought them home. (Do they do that anymore??)
So this year we'll make a big deal of Nathaniel's first day, and take pictures in front of the lamp post, just like she used to do with me. We'll make fun trips to look at leaves and find piles to jump in. We'll have snuggly movie days when the days are too wet or too chilly to enjoy outside.
And Mom would love every minute of it.
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